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Dog Daycare & Boarding!

Hi! Thank you for checking out YDHAFH, LLC's website! Your dog(s) will be loved as if they are our own! No kennels, insured, dog CPR, first aid, and care certified, fantastic recommendations, 10+ years of experience caring for dogs other than our own, and a big fence in the backyard so the cuties can run and play their whole stay! Only a handful of cuties are scheduled at a time and have an extensive vetting process so we can guarantee that we have done everything we can to make sure our home is as safe and fun as possible for all pups! There are multiple vets within minutes, one is only half a mile away! Constant supervision, monitored play, cuddly naps so they don't get overstimulated, and lots of updates for clients with text, pictures, and even some videos! Please check out the policies below for more information including processes, requirements, and agreements! Thank you for considering Your Dogs' Home Away From Home, LLC for your dog care needs!

*Not currently able to accept new clients with dogs over 20-25 pounds.*

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Doggy Daycare!

Your fur baby is always priority #1 when in our home. They have my full attention the whole day so you can feel confident they will have a great time! No kennels and a big fence in the backyard so they can run and play their whole stay!


Dogs that are under 1 year old, not potty trained, not fixed, or need special care/are elderly:

Up to 12 hours = $30

Dogs that are over 1 year old, potty trained, fixed, and don't need special care/aren't elderly:

Up to 12 hours = $25

*Cannot care for unfixed males over 6 months old and unfixed females over 8 months old.*

*Drop off is no earlier than 7 a.m. and pick up is no later than 7p.m.*

Doggy Boarding!

With our dog boarding you can feel confident that your fur baby is having the best time ever! Your pup will be able to run and play with all the dogs that are here throughout the day! When the daycare dogs go home, your cutie(s) and ours get special bonding time so your dog not only feels happy to be with my husband and I, but will also have a great relationship with 2 incredibly sweet doggos! Socialization is prioritized so your fur babies are always excited to come here!

Dogs that are under 1 year old, not potty trained, not fixed, or need special care/are elderly:

12-24 hours = $45

Dogs that are over 1 year old, potty trained, fixed, and don't need special care/aren't elderly:

12-24 hours = $40

*Cannot care for unfixed males over 6 months old and unfixed females over 8 months old.*

 If booking boarding, there is a 25% non-refundable, non-transferable deposit required to book the needed days. The rest of payment is due 24 hours prior to the beginning of service. *If boarding for one day it is required to be paid in full in order to be scheduled.

If boarding, the dog's crate will need to be brought upon drop off as well as their food, leash, harness, toys, bed (if they have one), treats, medications if needed. We do have bowls for food/water, toys, and treats here, but understand that some pets have preferences!


If a dog's stay is active and plans change/day(s) are cancelled, there is no refund/credit.

*If a new client is wanting to board, at least one successful meet & greet and trial daycare weekday stay is required.*

*Long-term boarding also available! Send a message so we can discuss!*

*Drop off is no earlier than 7 a.m. and pick up is no later than 7p.m.*

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Types of Payment Accepted:

Cash/check is preferred, Venmo payments are also accepted. *I will send payment requests, it's easier for tracking.* Thank you! : )

Tips are graciously accepted! Thank you so much!

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Holiday Prices:
*Holiday prices are additional fees*
  • New Years Eve & Day: Daycare= +$5 each day, Boarding= +$10 each day
  • Easter weekend: Daycare= +$5 Saturday & +$10 Sunday, Boarding= +$10 each day
  • Memorial Day & weekend: Daycare= +$5 each day, Boarding= +$10 each day
  • Independence Day & weekend: Daycare= +$5 each day, Boarding= +$10 each day
  • Labor Day & weekend: Daycare= +$5 each day, Boarding= +$10 each day
  • Halloween weekend: Daycare= +$5 each day, Boarding= +$10 each day
  • Thanksgiving(Wednesday-Sunday): Daycare= +$5 each day, +$10 on Thursday, Boarding= +$10 each day
  • Christmas Eve & Day: Daycare= +$10 each day, Boarding=+$15 each day

    *The extra holiday prices are not per dog, just per client!*
Pet Sitter Insurance Link:
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*Your Dogs' Home Away From Home, LLC is shortened to YDHAFH, LLC*

*YDHAFH, LLC does their best to be fair in all situations, but know this is a business and it will be ran as such. While it is understood and empathized that emergencies happen, we are still a business. All decisions and changes are made at the discretion of YDHAFH, LLC.*

Meet and Greets

~A meet and greet is required for all new clients. The first one is free, if more than that is needed, they will require prepayment to book. If wanting boarding, meet and greets are to be at least a week prior to the beginning of wanted boarding stay as at least 1 successful trial daycare stay is required prior to a boarding stay. It is recommended that meet and greets are done as soon as possible as availability to have the meet and greet and availability to schedule dogs is limited. No matter the case, the first daycare stay is considered a trial for further vetting.

Meet and greets take place outside (only) on our property. Outside is a more neutral place for dogs to meet us so there's less anxiety, protection/guarding tendencies, and stress. As long as it isn't raining, we can be in the fenced in area so the dog(s) are free to roam and approach us when they are comfortable.

Having the meet and greets at our property also gives clients the chance to see where their pup will be staying and so the dog(s) can be more comfortable with the area.

*YDHAFH, LLC is not responsible for clients' habits and actions, therefore cannot be held responsible if a dog is a carrier of an illness or someone suspects their dog contracted anything. All dogs are kept up to date with their vaccinations. If client's dog is showing symptoms of any illness or anything out of the norm whatsoever they need to/are advised to stay home and reach out to a vet for further guidance. This is to prevent spreading whatever it may be and take the best care of said dog.* 


​~All daycare stays need to be 100% prepaid in order to book. The first day of daycare is always a trial stay. No additional stays will be booked until after the first successful stay. If the trial stay goes well and all parties want to continue, then more services can be booked.


If the first stay does not go well, there is no refund. YDHAFH, LLC tries their best to make sure all the fur babies are safe and happy. The only reason YDHAFH, LLC would not continue service is because it's not a good fit. YDHAFH, LLC does not continue care with aggressive, assertive, overly-anxious, or any dogs that would put the safety and happiness of the other dogs into question. Because of this, clients are guaranteed that their pup is around happy, socialized dogs in a safe environment.


Having an emergency contact is required in case client is not available to pick up their dog when scheduled or when needed out of necessity. In the case that a stay is not going well, the dog would be separated and/or crated until the dog is able to be picked up.


~If booking boarding, there is a 25% nonrefundable, non-transferable deposit (taken from and applied to boarding stay's total) due in order to book.

Prepayment is required because there are only so many spots available as only a handful of dogs are scheduled at one time. If a client cancels, other clients were turned away and that negatively affects this business, especially last minute cancellations as there is little to no hope of replacing that booking.

 ~If boarding, client's dog's crate will need to be brought upon drop off as well as their food, leash, harness, toys, bed (if they have one), treats, and medications if needed. We do have bowls for food/water, toys, and treats here, but understand that some pets have preferences!


*If a dog's stay is active and plans change/day(s) are cancelled, there is no refund.*


*Changes to a stay with less than 7 days notice are not guaranteed a price reduction if the dog's stay-time is shortened.*


*New clients cannot book boarding without going through vetting process.*

New clients must complete the questions and information needed, have a meet and greet, and a successful trial daycare stay prior to booking boarding. This is in place so that thorough vetting can be had. While doing so doesn't guarantee an anxiety-free boarding experience, certainly helps all of the dogs acclimate!

Also, in most boarding cases the client(s) are far away and unable to pick up their dog(s) in case of an issue. An emergency contact is also required in case of emergency. 

Cancellations & Refunds/Credits

  • Daycare cancellations with more than 1 week (7 days) notice will be fully credited for future services.

  • Daycare cancellations with less than 1 week (7 days) notice, but more than 24 hours notice will receive a 50% credit towards future services.

  • Daycare cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will not receive a refund or credit. This negatively affects this business since there is little to no hope of replacing that booking with such little time before service.

​*Boarding's cancellation fee is the 25% nonrefundable, non-transferable deposit that is due when booking. Booking as early as possible is recommended so clients can get the day(s) needed.*

Long-Term Boarding

~Long-term boarding is also available with conditions! Send a message so we can discuss! Long-term boarding will have an additional contract along with YDHAFH, LLC’s normal waiver and policies. YDHAFH, LLC wants to make sure all permissions are released in case the client is unavailable and a paper trail of all agreements are necessary. Including but not limited to: permissions for necessary vet appointments, emergencies, and arrangements for client to pay for them, food arrangements, keeping up with all preventatives, agreed payment and the way of doing so, policy agreements, promises from YDHAFH, LLC, and protections for all parties involved. YDHAFH, LLC wants all parties to feel comfortable and confident that the client’s fur baby is in the best care possible and that it is our priority to provide that.

*Will require a trial boarding stay of at least a week long prior to the extended stay for vetting.*

General Requirements & Policies

~All dogs are required to be up to date on necessary vaccines (Rabies, DHLPP/DALPP, and Bordetella at least).

*Puppies or first-time-receivers of these vaccinations must have the vaccines in their system for at least 2 weeks prior to a stay.* It will be required that pictures of your fur babies' medical/vaccination records are sent to YDHAFH, LLC prior to a meet and greet so this can be verified.

~All dogs are required to be on preventatives for fleas, ticks, and worms and they need to be consistently maintained. Clients/potential clients will also need to send YDHAFH, LLC picture(s) of what brand(s) their dog(s) are using (unless it is on the vet's vaccination records).

*If a client's dog is not up to date on preventatives and brings an infestation into YDHAFH, LLC's home, said client will be held responsible for all costs associated with the dogs affected and getting rid of the infestation they caused to YDHAFH, LLC's home. Said client would knowingly be putting all dogs that are in YDHAFH, LLC's care in danger, YDHAFH, LLC's home would be infested, and YDHAFH, LLC would have to stop all services until the infestation is gone. That would cause a lot of lost business/income, put all of the clients in a tough spot because their very reliable caregiver isn't able to provide service, and all around very negatively affect YDHAFH, LLC's home life.

~Dogs must have a collar with tags/phone number to reach client in case they are escape artists. They must also have a harness on until YDHAFH, LLC says otherwise. It is highly recommended that dogs wear it at the meet and greet as well, as they are usually more slip resistant than a collar. If dog escapes, YDHAFH, LLC will do everything they can to rescue pet, but are not held liable. If a dog has a history of escapism, daycares and boarders probably aren't the best fit until dog is trained to stop doing so.

~Drop off is no earlier than 7 a.m. and pick up is no later than 7p.m.


~YDHAFH, LLC is not responsible for paying for anything associated with your pet. Including but not limited to: food, prescriptions, vet visits, toys, treats, bedding, etc. Toys, treats, and a comfy home environment are provided out of kindness and love. YDHAFH, LLC does everything in their power to ensure the safety of all fur babies, however, not everything is 100% preventable unfortunately. Proper vetting at meet and greets and trial daycare stays, constant supervision, keeping track of updated vaccines, checking over pets physically, reliable and truthful communication with clients, and highly monitored play are all consistent with YDHAFH, LLC, but they are animals and accidents can always happen. YDHAFH, LLC is insured and in the case an incident is deemed YDHAFH, LLC's fault by our insurance, a claim can be filed with the insurance company and we will go from there. YDHAFH, LLC is not responsible if the insurance company denies the claim. By being a client of YDHAFH, LLC, clients accept that accidents can happen and that can include injury to their dog(s).

~There is a waiver that all clients must sign prior to service. Currently clients sign it at the meet and greet, but it may be updated in the future. *YDHAFH, LLC adds to and edits policies at need, if something directly affects a client they will be notified and may have to sign an updated waiver.*

~YDHAFH, LLC is not at fault if our availability does not suit a client's needs.

~ If a pet is left at YDHAFH, LLC's location for longer than a week (7 days) after the agreed to pick up date and YDHAFH, LLC has not received any communication or payment for that extra time, YDHAFH, LLC will consider the pet(s) abandoned and will consider rehoming/sheltering said pet(s). YDHAFH, LLC is not in the position to be able to care for an additional pet of their own and it would negatively affect availability for other clients. Please do not ever do this, it is heartbreaking. If you need help caring for your pet or do not feel like you can properly care for them, please look into the proper processes. They exist and there are many options. Clients cannot fault YDHAFH, LLC if the client is negligent in their care or communication. YDHAFH, LLC always has open communication for clients with various forms of contact. (text, facebook messenger, email, and last resort/emergency is calling.)


~ Clients agree that YDHAFH, LLC has permission to take pictures and videos that include their pet(s). YDHAFH, LLC also has permission to share those pictures and videos and use them for promotional purposes. YDHAFH, LLC owns these photos, videos, etc. Clients can share/keep them as they please, but proper credit needs to be given to YDHAFH, LLC and is appreciated. A lot of effort and time goes into taking great pictures, videos, and editing for clients' peace of mind.

~YDHAFH, LLC will always contact clients in case of an emergency with their pet. If client does not answer/is not available and YDHAFH, LLC very much thinks that the client’s pet should see a vet asap, YDHAFH, LLC will take the pet to the nearest available vet. YDHAFH, LLC is not responsible to pay for any vet visit. If YDHAFH, LLC is potentially at fault, then a claim can be filed and we will see what the insurance says. *If insurance will not cover it, then YDHAFH, LLC is not responsible for any bills, etc.* Otherwise, it is up to the client/owner of the pet. If YDHAFH, LLC takes pet to the vet, it is because they think the situation is dire and they believe the pet’s health is in danger.

~Every client’s situation and needs are different, but no matter what, the rest of or whole payment is always due no later than at drop off. Cash or check is preferred, but we also utilize Venmo. Please do not search for me to pay, I will send a payment request as it helps me with tracking.

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